Bruce Hines leads a ministry reminiscent of Philip the Evangelist in Acts 8:4-8, focusing on casting out evil spirits and performing various healings. He is regarded as the world's foremost authority on fallen angels and has authored a series of books on the topic.

He has written many books on the subject, opening believers to new realms and structures of the angelic armies. His passion is to bring revelation concerning second heaven fallen angels to the Church. Founder of Church In One Accord and Kingdom Mysteries Publishing, his calling is to empower the Church to reach their full potential and to bring about one new man from Jew and Gentile nations. One of Bruce’s callings is to prepare the Church for the coming war between the body of Christ and fallen angels from the second heaven. As you will read from some of his writings, they are cutting edge and answer many questions concerning the multifaceted wisdom of God being released into the earth today. Bruce desires to see God’s manifested power and victories be made known to the fallen angelic rulers over the earth today and through the Church, bring about a global harvest.