Kaitlynn Johnson Kaitlynn Johnson

Hold onto His Word

Paul wrote the book of Second Timothy during a challenging period for the Early Church, when Nero's insanity led to the widespread persecution of believers. Nero's methods of persecution were brutal and cruel. At that time, Timothy served as the pastor of the church in Ephesus. He knew that if Nero's secret police ever captured him, they would take pleasure in killing him in a barbaric manner. The threat against his life caused Timothy to feel fearful. To address this, Paul reminded Timothy in Second Timothy 1:7 that God does not give us a spirit of fear, but instead gives us power, love, and a sound mind.

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Bruce Hines Bruce Hines

The Anointing

“We can walk in the anointing every day by spending time in God's presence, praying in the Holy Spirit, and obeying His Word.”

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Bruce Hines Bruce Hines

All Inclusive Provision

Salvation is a biblical word for God’s all-inclusive provision for man. It is used in the bible to describe all the profits or benefits a long with the blessings God has made available to us.

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Bruce Hines Bruce Hines

A Sure Salvation

Our experienced and expected salvation leads us to rejoice about the final day of Jesus Christ, in spite of any present suffering.

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Bruce Hines Bruce Hines

Bait A Trap

The knowledge of God as He reveals it to me supernaturally through warfare with scripture to support every manifestation has been my secret to the power and authority I walk in through spiritual warfare.

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