Exploring Secrets of the Heavenly Realm: Spiritual Warfare

By Bruce Hines Book 3 of 9 : Exploring Secrets of the Heavenly Realms

Volume 3 is SHOCK AND AWE!!!!!

This book is so rich in information and futuristic through scripture and spiritual encounters, nothing on the bookshelves gives this much detail and revelation concerning the 2nd Heaven and demonic realms. It is so revolutionary that 10 or 20 years from now it will be taught in most deliverance circles, intercessory prayer groups and used by Pastors to evangelize for the end-time harvest. It will give Prophets the knowledge and discernment to see into the four 2nd heaven dimensions & demonic spheres.

Volume 3 ties together the revelations and spiritual encounters of Vol 1 and 2. Secrets of the kingdom of darkness that have been revealed in the first 2 volumes are expounded on and explained in greater detail in this final volume.

Paul tells us that we struggle with the fallen angels in a continual battle for the leadership of the world. Paul also tells us that we are engaged in a contest or a competition to attain spiritual authority and power with in regions.

In this Volume you will discover:

  • The fallen angels who sired the Nephilim and the Nephilim who fathered the Naphal and the Naphal who fathered the Eljo.

  • Biblical instructions on removing fallen angels over territories are expounded on in greater detail.

  • Step by step procedures on how to do a demonic deliverance are fully explained with a prayer model.

  • The paradigm of demonic deliverance is illuminated.

  • Why some demons are more powerful than others, listing in great detail why there are certain levels of demonic powers and dimensions.

  • Volume 3 explains in greater depth, fallen angelic structure.

  • Mysteries of dissociated identity and other secrets not talked about.

  • In ministering inner healing, Pastor Bruce, lists a multitude of alter personalities that have been discovered in over 20 years of ministry.

This 3 part book series has the potential to empower the body of Christ in such a way that what the American military did to Iraq in desert storm, the church can do to the kingdom of darkness through Christ Jesus.

264 pages


May 22, 2019