Exploring Secrets of the Heavenly Realm: The Mystery of Territorial Spirits

By Bruce Hines Book 2 of 9 : Exploring Secrets of the Heavenly Realms

The most advanced book on Spiritual Warfare to date (Vol 2 of a series) – Learn the structure of the kingdom of darkness and the different orders of authority in the heavenly realms.

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In this revelatory and power encounter book series about fallen angels and territorial spirits Bruce Hines describes the solution to dethroning territorial spirits over cities. He reveals the cosmic hierarchy so the kingdom of God can advance through spiritual warfare and intercession. He details how a believer comes out from underneath or gets free from fallen angels. Bruce writes about the coming war between the church and the fallen angles as this age closes. He has provided pictures for visual comprehension concerning territorial spirits. This book series has pulled back the veil in a great measure by revealing the structure and operations of territorial spirits.

If you have read volume 1 – this volume expands on the revelation of the heavenly realms.

This series is a must read for every intercessor and recommended for everyone in the body of Christ!

250 pages


January 31, 2019