Bait A Trap


August 12, 2022

Psalm 115:16 – “The heavens are the Lord’s heavens, but the earth has He given to the children of men.”

Back in 1999 on Halloween night I faced my first demon as a baby Christian about 1 year old. I never forgot that night, the demons name was mockery, and I could not cast it out. Something else happened that night that would change my life forever, God spoke audibly to me about what happened. He said, first, you must respect your enemy and second, you must be fully trained. So much has happened since that night in following those instructions.

The knowledge of God as He reveals it to me supernaturally through warfare with scripture to support every manifestation has been my secret to the power and authority I walk in through spiritual warfare. As God reveals secrets to the kingdom of darkness my understanding of spiritual warfare continues to change and grow. It has also kept me from heartbreaking tragedies that plagued so many Christians. I have found that most Christians today don’t really understand spiritual warfare. I know this by the way they pray. 

Mark 4:24 Amp states, “And He said to them, Be careful what you are hearing. The measure [of thought and study] you give [to the truth you hear] will be the measure [of virtue and knowledge] that comes back to you—and more [besides] will be given to you who hear.” This scripture jumped up out of the bible about the same time I encountered my first demon. We must understand where we are spiritually in warfare knowledge so that we don’t get in over our heads. It is God who promotes, and this by spirit beings who have more authority and power than you are used to handling. God will put you in a combat situation that causes you to move to a new arena and God Himself will also assist. Most believers fail to comprehend the characteristics of the enemy’s authority and power to strike back with severity. Respect for the enemy and training is everything. Let me give you an example. One Friday night a month I hold corporate deliverance meetings where people can come and get free. I go through a demon list and command spirits to come out of people. This happens because I’ve been trained and God has promoted. Before it was one on one ministry sessions. Promotion is a must. 

God has total authority and dominion over His creation, and He reserves judgment of the heavenly realms to Himself. So to attack fallen angels over cities, counties and so on is useless, unless God brings that principality down for judgment. To wrongly use spiritual authority that God has given us leads to disobedience, rebellion, and even judgment if we are not careful. Again, promotion is everything. 

Church leaders and believers who try to wrestle against forces of darkness that are above their pay grade, that is their training and supernatural experiences, whether it is in the earth or in the second heaven, open themselves up to counterattacks and even have satanic angels assigned to snuff out even to the end of that assembly or person. If God has not presented by supernatural manifestation or commanded you to do spiritual warfare that is normally outside your spiritual training and combat experience, stay clear and don’t engage in probable or presumptive actions or behavior. 

Cheering you on,



A Sure Salvation