The Anointing


November 2, 2023

Here are some quotes from my book about the anointing:

  • "The anointing is the power of God at work in our lives. It is the presence of God working through us to accomplish His purposes."

  • "The anointing is essential for living a victorious Christian life. It is the power that enables us to overcome sin and temptation, to heal the sick, to preach the gospel effectively, and to live a life of joy and peace."

  • "The anointing is not something that we can earn or deserve. It is a gift from God that He gives to those who are humble and obedient to Him."

  • "We can walk in the anointing every day by spending time in God's presence, praying in the Holy Spirit, and obeying His Word.”

I am talking about something that has the power to transform our lives—God’s presence. It's incredible how God promises to be with His people, offering comfort, encouragement, and the opportunity to learn His ways. Just imagine being able to spend time in the presence of the creator of the universe! When we take time to be in God's presence, we have a chance to know His thoughts and actions. This alignment of our thoughts with God's can lead us to experience growth in our faith. It's like getting an inside scoop on how He sees things and operates.

God's presence doesn't just make us feel good; it actually saturates us from within, making us dead to sin. But here's the thing—feeling God's presence alone isn't enough for experiencing His power. We need to embrace His ways and thoughts as well. In that beautiful moment when we're in the presence of God, something amazing happens—we receive His anointing. This anointing has tremendous power; it drives out darkness and sickness from our lives like a bright light dispelling shadows.

However, for this transformational power of God's anointing to fully impact us, we need spiritual transformation ourselves. Our minds must be renewed so that we can truly experience everything that this anointing has for us—freedom from sin, healing from sicknesses, and deliverance from demons. Sometimes curses can hold us back or cause harm in our lives through powerful words or evil spirits attached to them. But let me tell you something amazing: the anointing released in God's presence has the power not only to break those curses but also deliver us entirely from their destructive influence.

So here’s what it all comes down too—seeking God’s presence leads not only to transformation but also freedom! As we spend time with Him each day seeking His face, we begin to know Him intimately. We come understand His ways, align our thoughts with His, and receive His anointing. This anointing is what drives out darkness, breaks every form of bondage, and delivers us from curses. Let's make it a daily practice to seek God's presence so that we can live transformed lives filled with His power and light. It's in those moments when we truly encounter Him that our lives change forever.

Cheering you on,



Hold onto His Word


All Inclusive Provision