All Inclusive Provision


August 17, 2022

Salvation is a biblical word for God’s all-inclusive provision for man. It is used in the bible to describe all the profits or benefits a long with the blessings God has made available to us. The New Testament describes some of those blessings to include the forgiveness of sins, the gift of eternal life, the provision of physical healing, deliverance from evil spirits, and the power to transform and live differently. The truth is that everything pertaining to life and godliness is in the bible. Yet I seek transformation and God every day to know Him, yet knowing that I’ve embarked on a journey, a walk of overcoming sin and all it brings with divine provision and acting in faith. My position is like no other religion can offer, totally forgiven and hidden in Christ Jesus, but my condition is sinful, a nature prone to sin. So I can put it this way, my spiritual position in Christ Jesus as I yield is overcoming my sinful condition that comes from the nature of the devil, evil, and the things of this world and age. 

There is no other religion or book which reveals the problems of humanity and how to overcome them, other than the bible. For example the creation reveals that there is a creator with powerful invisible attributes and a divine nature, yet creation does not tell us how to find God, it just reveals Him. All other religions or books cannot bring intelligible knowledge of God and His divine plan of salvation throughout the Ages. So all other religions and the non-religious are without excuse for God has made it evident to them who He is and what He is like through what has been made. 

The bible does reveal that God is summing up through His administration all things in Christ Jesus. That is why some Churches are becoming so powerful and God’s Spirit is moving to restore all things. In short, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, three persons yet one, created the world after He created the heavens and all that is in them, including the angels. Satan and a third of all the angels rebelled against God and was cast out of heaven. Adam aloud Satan to deceive him and so mankind fell or sinned, and came underneath the Devils authority. When the predetermined time came, God sent Jesus to redeem all things and to defeat the Devil, his angels, and demons in three stages. The first stage was the death and resurrection of Christ Jesus by the power and authority of the Holy Spirit. That is why there is no other name or way to be saved or go to heaven other than salvation in Christ Jesus. This is why the Churches who are engaged in bringing restoration and God’s administration through the power of the Holy Spirit are seeing miracles, healing, evil spirits cast out, prosperity and all other blessings of God. God is revealing that His administration is through the Church and that until the close of this evil age, is being resisted by the kingdom of evil and all mankind who fall mentally and sinfully under its control.    

When Jesus returns, this evil age will end, and there will be one thousand years of no evil spirit beings and this is the second judgment when evil is locked up in hell. There will not be two kingdoms operating in the earth, one of light, the other of darkness. There will only be the kingdom of light or of Jesus Christ. After that, a short period of time, the bible does not say, the Devil and his evil spirits we be let loose again to deceive mankind. Then and only then, when that time has run out, will the third and final stage of God’s judgment come upon the Devil and all that don’t belong to Jesus Christ. This judgment is the lake of fire already prepared for those that don’t love Christ Jesus. This was in short remember. 

In this evil age now, God has made it plain to all, that His kingdom has invaded the Devils kingdom by revealing the casting out of evil spirits in the name of Jesus and through the power of the Holy Spirit. Jesus says in Luke 11:20, “But if I cast out demons by the finger of God, then the kingdom of God has come upon you.” Think about what I’m saying. Your decisions determine your live now and in the future age.

Cheering you on,



The Anointing


A Sure Salvation